WEDNESday 28th August 2024
Sports Team Trials
This is for students interested in representing Blackpool Sixth in competitive fixtures.
Please sign up for more information and timings for the day.
Attending these trials gives you the best chance of being accepted onto the team of your choice.
There is a big advantage in attending these trials in advance of starting at the college. Successful trialist's academic timetables will be created to allow them to be lesson free on a Wednesday afternoon. This will allow students to play in fixtures with no impact on their chosen subject lessons.
SIGN UP- Rugby (Male) 11am – 12.30pm (College Field)
- Netball (Female) 12pm – 1.30pm (College Sports Hall)
- Football (Female) 1pm – 2.30pm (College Field)
- Basketball (Male and Female) 1.30pm – 3pm (College Sports Hall)
- Football (Male) 2.30pm – 4pm (College Field)
Meet 15 minutes before the time shown at the College Sports Hall for changing.