BTEC Level 2 Certificate: public Services
This course will provide you with a range of skills and boost your confidence for further study/training and employment. It will focus on the public services and the important roles they play but what you learn can be applied to a very wide range of future routes.
To join this programme you will need 4 GCSEs at grade 3 (or equivalent). One of either English language or maths needs to be at least a grade 3 whilst the other needs to be no less than a grade 2.
Why study BTEC Level 2 Certificate: public Services at Blackpool Sixth?
We have excellent links with all the main public services and the armed forces. The course is taught in a dynamic and engaging way with plenty of ‘real life’ experience.
How will I be taught?
Classes are student-led with a variety of activities, guided by outstanding teachers linked to sensitive and real-life scenarios. You will have to opportunity to attend trips with different armed services.
Teacher expertise
You will be led by teachers who have been teaching public services for 5 years, with a teacher who specialises in this sector. Outstanding teachers with 7 years experience as a Firefighter. Staff who have been an expedition leader for 6 years working alongside Mountain Rescue personnel during the Duke of Edinburgh Award and previous experience within the Army Reserves.
What skills will I develop?
- Communication
- Working with others/ group management
- Confidence
- Leadership
- IT skills
How will I be assessed?
%- 75% All internal assignment are assessed through coursework with a variety of assessment methods from videos, presentations, blogs and posters
%- 25% Externally assessed task based assessments
What will you study and other information about BTEC LEVEL 2 CERTIFICATE: PUBLIC SERVICES
- What will I study?
Unit 1: Role and Work of Public Services – Here you learn about what the public services do as a job and what they would do on a daily basis.
Unit 2: Working Skills in the Public Services – You will find out about the skills necessary to gain entry and succeed within the public services. This will be furthered by putting the skills into practice with public service scenarios.
Unit 4: Community Protection – We will look at the way public services help keep us safe and protected and how this impacts our daily lives. Ranging from terrorism to environmental issues such as flooding.
Unit 12: Land Navigation by Map & Compass – This unit looks at the basics of maps and compasses and how we can use them both to navigate over a set area. We finish this unit with a navigated walk around Beacon Fell.
Unit 3: Employment – Learners will get a true understanding of the application process for a career within Public Services whilst researching current roles. The process will prepare the learners and prepare them to complete the process of application from start to finish.
Unit 5: Health, fitness, and lifestyle – This unit will focus on the health and fitness requirements for a sustained career within the Public Services. Students will get to participate in many activities to gain knowledge of the tests required.
Unit 6: Citizenship – To make yourself different from the rest, the citizenship unit gives learners the chance to research different careers and find out how things like volunteering are so important. Being a good citizen is about raising awareness of issues within the community, and will give learners a sound understanding.
- Equipment and Financial contributions
PE kit, polo shirts (provided).
- Field trips, projects, and employability opportunities
We are a ‘Live Learning’ course which enables us to have strong links with our employers/partners in which they will help teach and deliver criteria. Opportunities to learn about the Prison Service and the Army Reserves.
Where does it lead?
The pathway for development is varied for our learners. Most will progress onto a level 3 course here at the sixth form, most of which move onto the Level 3 Extended Diploma in Uniformed Public Services (however, a very wide range of courses at the college are available). Some learners go directly into employment with most joining the armed forces and some go on to apprenticeships.