A Level Art: Photography
Photography is not just about technique but about perception and communication. You will explore technical camera facilities using traditional and computer technologies and learn how photographs are used to communicate and express yourself.
If you do not have GCSE Art, it is advisable to have attended taster sessions and open events.
Why study A LEvel Art: Photography at Blackpool Sixth?
Workshop sessions enhance relevant skills to undertake innovative techniques and processes. Having freedom to develop broad portfolios prepares you for client briefs, trips, competitions, exhibitions, university and professional industries. Inspirational photography excursions including visits to local and international cities and galleries are an integral part of this course.
How will I be taught?
Independently, as a whole class or in small groups, or pairs. Lots of 1:1 discussions. Past example projects. Sharing of ideas with peers.
Teacher expertise
You are taught by a professional specialist photographer who develops her own photography through freelance projects.
What skills will I develop?
- Time management
- Meeting deadlines
- How to develop ideas
- Communication
- Group work
- Presentation skills
- Literacy with analysis
- How to size, print and present work
How will I be assessed?
%What will you study and other information about A-Level Art: Photography
- First Year
- Drawing
- Painting
- Mixed Media
- Photography
- Printing
- Sculpture
- Installation
- Live briefs and exhibitions
- Contemporary and historical practitioners
- Second Year
During the second year of this course you will have the opportunity to pursue a more personalised approach focusing on your own specialised interests and strengths. Whilst producing a personalised portfolio you will continue to explore, develop and study new techniques and skills in a variety of media developing a greater understanding of your own contextual influences.
- Equipment and financial contributions
Memory SD card, sketchbooks. printing – £30 approximately
- Field trips, projects and employability opportunities
We are always completing live briefs throughout the year as a rule of thumb and good practice. We have had past visits to New York, Paris, Rome, Venice, and Morocco. We also encourage local trips for photography in Edinburgh and London
Where does it lead?
Students have progressed to work in various industries. This includes specialise in one of the following areas: portrait, fashion, commercial wildlife, fine arts, scientific and medical, press, sports, and travel. Many photographers go on to work in freelance positions, yet some students choose to use their creative skills in related areas such as marketing, advertising, web design, and digital marketing, where opportunities exist with a range of businesses and consultancies.